Friday, October 1, 2010

57 Days To Go

Looking at my past posts, i realized i have blogged a lot about things not related to our wedding preps.  So what does it say about me and our wedding preps?  That I/we're slacking?  Of course not!  That we're done with our preps?  Still a long way to go.  Then, how come the limited number of posts about the preps?  I don't know, but for some reason, i find it harder to write about it than any other topics.  There's something about written things-to-do...  It seems to add more pressure to the already stressful (but sometimes enjoyable) wedding preparation.  Oh well... I have to write it down to serve as constant reminder that we still have things to accomplish.  Here it goes... 

1.  Get our wedding banns from our respective churches
2.  Get our marriage license from Paranaque City Hall
3.  Ask for a schedule for our canonical interview
4.  Design our misalette and have it printed as well
5.  Give song list to Anima Choir
6.  Buy fruits, unconsecrated Host and wine for the offertory
7.  Design unity candle

1.  Discuss and finalize program with our emcee, Missy Litao
2.  Finalize song list to be played live by Anima Choir
3.  Finalize song list for Rejectkrew
4.  Finalize guest list and seating arrangement
5.  Decide whether to get a mobile bar or not
6.  Practice for the first dance (decide on what kind of dance to do, if traditional or choreographed) 

1.  Finalize and distribute invitations
2.  Schedule 2nd fitting of bridal gown
3.  Schedule 1st fitting of entourage gowns plus the 2 moms
4.  Buy gifts for the PS and entourage

So far, that's what I can remember.  Hope I didn't forget anything...

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