Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Games Movie: A Hit or a Miss?

As established quite a number of times in this blog, i am a big fan of the Hunger Games books therefore it shouldn't come as a surprise that I was dying excited to watch the movie.  So off we went to Eastwood last Saturday to catch the last full show.  =)

Hmm... Where to start?  The hits first:

--- I love Jennifer Lawrence!  She is perfect as Katniss!
--- I love the reaping scene! It was really close to how I pictured the reaping in my head.  
--- The actress who played Effie Trinkett was also good.
--- And Liam Hemsworth is a good Gale.  He and Katniss have chemistry, even with just a few scenes. 
--- I also liked the hunger games event/battle.    
--- I liked the fact that they incorporated rebellion scenes in some of the districts, District 11 to be exact.  

And now, the misses:

--- A lot might not agree, but I don't like Josh Hutcherson as Peeta.  There simply is no connection, no kilig between him and Katniss.  And c'mon, what happened to the cave scene?!  It was suppose to define the romantic connection between him and Katniss, but sadly, it didn't even scratch the surface for me.  I got more kilig over the few jealous shots of Gale which should not be the case!  I should feel confused as to who I want Katniss to end up with. 
--- I also didn't like Haymitch.  I mean, the movie didn't establish how much of a drunkard he is (which I think is important especially in the next movies to understand what the hunger games do to a tribute winner), and that he only helped Katniss and Peeta when he realized that the two are both fighters and really want to win.
--- They also scratched Madge, the mayor's daughter, who gave Katniss the mockingjay pin.  Yes, a friend gave it to her as opposed to finding it in the hob. 
But all in all, I still find the movie good, which is a rare feat considering how good the book was.  So, yes, the Hunger Games movie is a HIT for me. =)

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Letter to My Children About Marriage

One of my tita's shared this in Facebook and I want to share it here as well.  It's really inspiring.  =)

Dear Children,

Should the Lord give you the good gift of a husband or wife, and I hope He does, there are a few things I want you to know. Things that you may not hear from anyone else, and certainly not on TV or other media. Sadly, your church may not even tell you.

Marriage, sweet little people, is not for the purpose of your happiness. Happy as I want you to be and hope you will be, you must yet understand that marriage is God’s design and His purposes must be pursued in order for you to be truly happy. His end is holiness and He will use all things in a life devoted to Him to fulfill that end.

To my girls:

Marry a man whose first pursuit is Christ. After that, he is not hard to please. Admire him, cheer him on and show gratitude, and he will fall over himself trying to please you. Smile often, speak well of him always, and do whatever necessary to try and maintain a pleasant mood about you so that it transfers to your home, making it a place where he and your children love to be.

You’ll have bad days of course, crying days even, and that’s when you go to your bedroom, kneel on the floor and beg the Lord to carry you. Then get up, get a fresh perspective (crayons will come off the wall), and try again. Above all else, make a home.

To my boys:

Marry a woman whose first pursuit is Christ. After that, she may be hard to please ;-) only if you don’t know “the secret”. What is that? I’m glad you asked. The secret to pleasing your wife is to make her feel safe and treasured. You may have to move out of your comfort zone to do this at times. She won’t always readily translate the oil change to love, though it means that. But let me give you a “secret question”–a question you need to ask her often. It’s not just in the asking, though. Be sure to focus your eyes on hers, maybe even touch her shoulder or face, and then ask: “What’s on your mind these days? “ And then be ready to listen. She wants you to draw her out. She will perceive this as your protection over the matters of her heart. Tenderness, listening, protection. That’s what she wants.

To you all:

If your wife or husband does something really stupid, forgive. If they do it again, forgive again. Forgiveness must be the propelling force in your lives each day. Dwell on the strengths, push out thoughts of their weaknesses. Take every thought captive–choose to love.

Here’s that part you are not going to hear often:

If you find yourself “not happy”, having lost attraction, disinterested, etc., you are not permitted to even think about a divorce. If you find yourselves arguing more and more, don’t think for a minute that “the children will be better off out of this”, because they won’t.

The vows you took on your wedding day were not suggestions. They were covenant vows, before a Holy God, family and friends, to stay with this person the rest of your life, even if you don’t feel like it. You swore a solemn oath and if you can’t live up to it, don’t get married. Decide up front that your marriage is irrevocable. There is far more motivation for getting along if your “marriage house” has no door.

Do not share intimate thoughts or feelings with anyone of the opposite sex. Do not find yourself alone for any length of time with such either.

Divorce is not a “private option”. It will affect multiple families for many generations. When you “separate what God has joined” you permanently injure far more than just yourself.

Guard your marriage as fiercely as you would guard your own life. Treat your spouse as an extension of your flesh, just as God sees you. Treat your spouse like other family members. You know, “you gotta love ‘em, they’re the only family you’ve got”.

I want you to be happy, I surely do. But I will pray for you to be holy. 

For Kit:

Babe, thank you for everything.  For understanding me even when I don't even understand myself.  For being my rock when I just want to crumble to pieces.  For holding on tightly when my grip loosens.  For knocking some sense in to me when I let my immaturity takeover.  For sticking with me through thick and thin.  For always making me laugh over the silliest things. For loving me and Kaelin every moment of each day.  

I truly am lucky to have you as my husband.  And in return, I will always try my best to make our home a pleasant, happy and loving one.  One that you and Kaelin (and our future kids =p) would want to come home to everytime.

I love you babe.  I always will. =)        

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I've Got Your Number

I have always loved Sophie Kinsella!  Her books are funny, a breeze to read and heart-warming.  I personally loved the original/first Shopaholic book and Can You Keep a Secret?.  The other books though, were just okay for me.  So, when I got a copy of her latest novel, I've Got Your Number, I was secretly hoping that it would be good, really funny and would make me feel giddy again.  I wasn't disappointed.  It was hilarious!  I totally loved it.  Now, it ranks as my favorite Sophie Kinsella book.  =)      


I've lost it. The only thing in the world I wasn't supposed to lose. My engagement ring. It's been in Magnus's family for three generations. And now, the very same day his parents are coming, I've lost it. The very same day. Do not hyperventilate Poppy. Stay positive!!

Poppy Wyatt has never felt luckier. She is about to marry the ideal man, Magnus Tavish, but in one afternoon her 'happy ever after' begins to fall apart. Not only has she lost her engagement ring but in the panic that followed, she has now lost her phone. As she paces shakily round the hotel foyer she spots an abandoned phone in a bin. Finders keepers! Now she can leave a number for the hotel to contact her when they find her ring. Perfect!

Well, perfect except the phone's owner, businessman Sam Roxton doesn't agree. He wants his phone back and doesn't appreciate Poppy reading all his messages and wading into his personal life.

What ensues is a hilarious and unpredictable turn of events as Poppy and Sam increasingly upend each other's lives through emails and text messages. As Poppy juggles wedding preparations, mysterious phone calls and hiding her left hand from Magnus and his parents... she soon realises that she is in for the biggest surprise of her life.

So if you guys want a light, easy and funny read, buy this book.  You wouldn't be disappointed. =)

Happy with a Stroller

Kit bought Kaelin a new stroller.  There isn't anything wrong with the old one, it's just so bulky.  It always take up the entire trunk whenever we go out.  Plus, it's really heavy.  It's always a challenge to bring/balance the stroller up and down the escalator, or carry it when confronted with stairs.  How can we travel with that?  (Not that we have a scheduled trip soon.  But you'll never know when we'll have the urge to go on an instant trip...)

Perfect timing that Mothercare is having a summer sale on their Inglesina strollers! Inglesina!  Wow, sosyal! Hahaha! =p  So, we bought the lightest and travel-friendly stroller there is.... the Inglesina Swift!

it's available in red, orange and black too
I must admit I was hesitant at first to buy a new stroller.  I mean, I'm a little practical (different with being a cheapskate, right?) so I thought we could make do with our existing stroller.  But then, Kit made me realize that we badly need a lighter one, for travel reasons and (would you believe it???) health reasons (yes, our existing stroller is bad for the back).  So, off we go to Mothercare.  

In the end, Kit's decision was reinforced big time! Who could ever argue with these proofs?! =)

how can i still prove my point when the judge has that BIG SMILE? 

So, with that, I rest my case.  As long as my baby's happy, go! =)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Hunger Games - Official Trailer [HD]

I'm sooooo excited for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bab, we CANNOT miss this! =)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Johnson's Vanilla Oatmeal Lotion

I just discovered a new lotion that I really like very much.  Kit likes it too.  Sabi nya amoy lagi daw akong mabango. Hahaha. <kilig>

It was supposed to be for Kaelin but I find the smell too strong for a baby.  So ang ending, ako na lang ang gumamit.  =)  We bought a body wash too.  I haven't tried it yet though.  But it seems as fragrant as the lotion.

Johnson's Vanilla Oatmeal Body Wash and Lotion!  Try it. =)

Kaelin's Pal, Violet

Violet, little and big Violet that is, is/are my favorite among Kaelin's toys.  They aren't just cute but entertaining and educational as well.  <Thank you Ninang Leika for giving them to me!>

Little Violet helped BIG TIME in making Kaelin sleep.  Until now, she needs to hear Violet's lullaby before she can sleep.  Sometimes, she rubs Violet's ears or face...  A sign that she is sleepy.  It also teaches Kaelin to count.  Yun nga lang, at this point, Kaelin is much more interested in "eating" Violet than listening to it while it counts.  <babies... so adorable...=)>

Then big Violet came along.  At first, she was ignoring it.  But when we set big Violet up to say her name and personalize the daytime songs and lullabies, she immediately held big Violet.  Now, when she hears big Violet, she would stop whatever she's doing and look and hold Violet.  Ang galing, di ba?! I, personally am amazed that a toy could say Kaelin's name.  I initially thought that we wouldn't find 'Kaelin' in the list of names that they have audio of as it isn't really a popular name.  So, when we saw that it was in the list, I was really pleasingly shocked.  As in now, it seems that Violet is talking to Kaelin.  Violet would always mention Kaelin's name before a song, and would say I love you Kaelin, and goodnight Kaelin, and let's count Kaelin, and other activities that would seem that Violet is indeed Kaelin's 'real' playmate.  It even teaches Kaelin how to spell her name.  Ain't that neat? =)

My Pal Violet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Violet are products of Leap Frog


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kaelin @ 6 mos

Kaelin is now 6 months!  Can't believe she's been with us for half a year already.  Looking forward to seeing her grow every single day. I LOVE YOU KAELIN!

she's eating solids now. yey! =)
At 6 months, she can now:

- sit without support for a few minutes
- roll from her back to her tummy and back again
- crawl (short distances)
- stand with support
- take a few steps with support
- say mama (first word! =) =) =) )
- eat solids
- hold her own bottle
- sleep on her own (she's a big girl now)
- shout, laugh, shriek, mumble (even when eating)
- loves playing peek-a-boo
- puts everything in her mouth (as always, tsk tsk tsk...)
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